What is the connection between Atomic Habits book and Atomic Progress?

This habit tracker web app is not affiliated with or endorsed by Atomic Habits or James Clear. We simply provide habit tracker features and information for users interested in Atomic Habits. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Atomic Habits Questions

What is the Implementation Intention?

Basically, it is your upfront definition and commitment to where and when you want to act for a specific habit. Instead of simply list a habit as a to-do, defining a context that includes the period of the day and location will increase the likelyhood of a habit to be done, as it establishes the plan more clearly.

When adding a habit in Atomic Progress, we use something similar to the formula for Implementation Intention that follows:

I will [BEHAVIOR] at/in [PERIOD] at/in [LOCATION].

Some exmaples using this formula:

  • I will run 1 mile in the morning in the neighborhood;
  • I will read 3 pages at night in my bedroom;
  • I will unsubscribe to 2 email newsletters in the morning in the office;
  • I will write a jounal at night at my desk;

What is the Two-Minute Rule?

When starting a new habit, one of the main important things is to show up. That can be done by starting with a short version of the habit that can be done no more than two minutes.

The idea behind is to prioritize the constant repeated behavior before increasing complexity. Standardize before optimize.

Almost any habit can have a two minutes version that can be used in the beggining, here are some examples:

  • Read one page of a book;
  • Exercising at home or stretch for 2 minutes;
  • Clean/organize some part of your home for 2 minutes;
  • Write a summary of your day;
  • Floss for 2 minutes;
  • Meditate or do breathing exercises for 2 minutes;

And the list goes on and on. Once you are solid in the two minutes version of the habit, increase the complexity, that often times will increase the time spent.

When creating a habit in Atomic Progress you have the option to mark a habit as a Two-Minute Rule, what will be displayed differently than other ones.

What is Habit Stacking?

Habit stacking is a great way to introduce a new habit, pairing with a current one.

Atomic Progress allows you to build habit stacks in a flexible way. In case the habits have different weekly frequencies, the calendar will show them together only in the days they match, otherwise it will show as regular habits.

Here are some examples of how you can leverage habit stacking. In those examples, the first habit is something you are doing at the moment, while the second one is something you want to introduce:

  • After I workout at the gym, I will cool down;
  • After I read a sales article, I will schedule a follow-up call with a customer;
  • After I walk in the morning, I willmeditate at home;
  • After I floss at night, I will put my phone away before going to bed;

General Questions

Is there a mobile version?

At the moment, Atomic Progress is browser-based only. While we don't offer a native iPhone or Android app now, Atomic Progress is mobile friendly and totally responsive for small screen browsers with no feature loss.

We plan to work on a fully native mobile app in the future, so stay tuned.

Payment Questions

How much does Atomic Progress cost?

Currently, Atomic Progress is running in Beta Phase meaning no payment is required from any participating user while the Beta Phase is active. As a token of gratitude for all users in the Beta phase, Atomic Progress will give an extra 90 days of access with no payment required.

Once we move into Gold/Live, a 30 days trial will be offered for new users.